Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Smith's Frame home

Alvin started this frame home because he wanted his parents to have a nice place to live as they got older. He died before it was finished so Hyrum and his brothers finished it.
This sister was from Italy and had such a good spirit about her. She shared her testimony of how happy and loving the Smith family was. Lucy (Joseph's mother) used alot of herbs so her sons built an herb rack above the kitchen table for her to dry her herbs. They also built a nice rock sink for her.
This was the hearth that Joseph hid the plates under. He was so obedient to the promptings of the spirit. Many times he had impressions to move the plates.
This is the coopers shed. It was where they made wooden containers to collect maple, store food ect. Joseph hid the plates under the floor boards once but he recieved a prompting that a mob would come and he should move them. He immediatly moved them and that night a mob came and pulled up all the floor boards. Had he not listened to the prompting, they would have been found.
This is the fence by the apple orchard where he fell on his way back to his house to tell his Mom about what Moroni told him. Moroni appeared to him again here.

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