Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This is the Grandin Press in Palmyra where the first printing of the Book of Mormon was done.

Each letter of the book had to be hand set. I can't even imagine how teadious that would be.
Then it was inked and pressed on the paper. The pages were hung to dry.
Then folded and sewed together. They were cut to size and then bound in sheep leather. They said it took about 18 months to finish the first printing. There were 5,000 printed.


Kristin said...

Wow Cool trip! Maybe along with the Alaskan cruise, we could go to all the Church History sites for a family reunion too!

cheryl brown said...

I was going to mention at the reunion and I forgot but there is going to be a Miller reunion (the family that Julie and her family told about) in Kearney Nebraska next summer. Randy and I want to go and see Nauvoo too. Patty and Kendra sound like they want to go to. I will post information about it on the family site.